Progetti Europei

DIGITS – Adapting national and transationale employeets’ involvement toward digitally driven changes In Europe financial sector

1 Mins read


1. REQUESTFOR OFFERS fro providing of equipment for simultaneous interpretation for project events within the framework of the project:
“Digit – Adapting national and transnational employees’ involvement toward digitally driven changes IN Europe financial sector”

Download: offers-1

2. REQUESTFOR OFFERS fro providing interpretation service for project events within the framework of the project: “Digit – Adapting national and transnational employees’ involvement toward digitally driven changes IN Europe financial sector”

Download: offers-2

3. REQUESTFOR OFFERS fro providing flight tickets for project events within the framework of the project: “Digit – Adapting national and transnational employees’ involvement toward digitally driven changes IN Europe financial sector”

Download: offers 3

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